Solid State Marx Generators

Marx generators have long been a valuable tool for producing high-voltage pulses for various applications, ranging from particle accelerator...

Marx generators have long been a valuable tool for producing high-voltage pulses for various applications, ranging from particle accelerators to medical devices. These devices utilize multiple stages to generate high voltage pulses without the need for step-up transformers, making them efficient and capable of fast pulse rise times. However, traditional Marx generators employ spark gaps as switches, limiting their repetition rates and lifetimes. The advent of solid-state switches has revolutionized this technology, enabling the construction of economical, compact, high-voltage Marx generators with high repetition rates and extended lifetimes.

In this essay, we will explore the solid-state Marx generator, its advantages over traditional counterparts, and its applications in various fields.

The Solid State Marx Generator

Traditional Marx generators rely on spark gaps as high voltage switches in each stage, resulting in limitations such as low repetition rates and limited lifetimes. However, the development of solid-state switches, such as thyristors, has addressed these limitations. These solid-state switches can conduct high peak currents, exhibit fast turn-on times, low timing jitters, and can be triggered by a single low-voltage pulse.

Simplified schematic of a solid-state Marx generator

Simplified schematic of a solid-state Marx generator

A prime example of solid-state Marx generators is a 4-stage design utilizing 24 kV thyristor-based switches. These switches can handle peak currents of up to 14 kA with current risetimes exceeding 25 kA/microsecond. With short turn-on delays of less than 200 ns and low timing jitters, they offer precise control over pulse generation. This technology represents a significant advancement in high-voltage pulse generation.

Learn more: Marx Generator - Free Energy

Advantages of Solid State Marx Generators

  1. High Repetition Rates: Solid-state Marx generators can operate at high repetition rates, a crucial advantage in applications requiring rapid pulse generation, such as particle accelerators and high-energy physics experiments.

  2. Extended Lifetimes: The use of solid-state switches significantly extends the operational lifespan of Marx generators, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

  3. Precise Control: Solid-state switches allow for precise control of pulse characteristics, including voltage amplitude and rise time, offering flexibility in meeting specific application requirements.

  4. Efficiency: By eliminating the need for step-up transformers, solid-state Marx generators maintain high efficiency in converting energy into high-voltage pulses.

Applications of Solid State Marx Generators

Solid-state Marx generators find applications in various fields:

  1. Particle Acceleration: These generators are essential components in particle accelerators, producing high-voltage pulses for ion or electron acceleration.

  2. Medical Devices: They are used in medical equipment such as X-ray machines, where precise, high-energy pulses are required.

  3. Materials Testing: Solid-state Marx generators are used to test the dielectric properties of materials and insulation systems.

  4. Environmental Remediation: They can be employed to generate ozone for environmental applications, such as water purification and air treatment.

Related technology: Testatika Generator - Free Energy by Impulse Technology

Examples of Solid State Marx Generators

Two examples highlight the versatility of solid-state Marx generators:

1/ Adjustable Pulse Amplitude: A high-voltage solid-state Marx generator features a circuit with synchronous discharge switches. Adjusting the drive voltage allows precise control over pulse edges, providing a wide range of pulse amplitudes.

Schematic of solid-state Marx generator and the pulse generation.

Schematic of solid-state Marx generator and the pulse generation.

Schematic of the proposed drive circuit

Schematic of the proposed drive circuit.

The proposed drive circuit operates in Miller plateau period

The proposed drive circuit operates in Miller plateau period.

2/ Modular Pulse Generator: A modular solid-state pulse generator based on multi-turn linear transformer drivers (LTD) offers high voltage, large current, and wide pulse width capabilities. It can output pulses with varying parameters, making it suitable for a range of applications. Learn more: Modular solid-state pulse generator based on multi-turn LTD (PDF)


Solid-state Marx generators have revolutionized high-voltage pulse generation by offering higher repetition rates, extended lifetimes, and precise control over pulse characteristics. Their versatility makes them indispensable in fields such as particle acceleration, medical devices, materials testing, and environmental remediation. As technology continues to advance, solid-state Marx generators will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of high-voltage pulse applications, offering efficiency, reliability, and flexibility to researchers and engineers alike.

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