How To Generate Electricity Using DC Motor

A new feedback system between a DC induction motor and an AC generator will be the solution to generate Electricity, with Free Energy. The k...

A new feedback system between a DC induction motor and an AC generator will be the solution to generate Electricity, with Free Energy. The key to this new system is the use of a feedback loop that will allow the DC motor to run at a constant speed, no matter what the load on the AC generator is. This feedback loop will also allow the AC generator to produce a consistent output of electricity, without needing to be constantly adjusted.

Generate Electricity Using DC Motor: DC prototype generator. Sphere generator. Low power INPUT 0.78 V. OUTPUT 2.08V (Overunity)

The benefits of this new system are two-fold. First, it will allow for the generation of electricity with very little input from an outside source, making it essentially free energy. Second, it will be much more efficient than current methods of generating electricity, meaning that less energy will be wasted in the form of heat and noise.

Feedback system between DC induction motor and AC generator will be the solution to generate Electricity, with Free Energy

The DC induction motor is a reverse AC generator. Therefore, if the DC motor is more efficient than the AC generator head, we will create a self-powered mechanism for the system. A self-powered generator will be created. That's basically it, and the generator won't need fuel to generate kinetic energy. It can be said that it is a free energy generator in the sense that it does not consume fuel. However, to understand what is free energy you need to see the following research article: AC Generator by KINETIC POWER (Nikola Tesla's technology).

Nikola Tesla's technology also uses no fuel, but Tesla uses a method of removing Back EMF at the top of the AC generator, then creating a self-powered structure. It's basically the same as the difference in efficiency of two AC forward and reverse AC generators (brushless DC motor).

Plans and instructions for generating electricity using DC motors

KINETIC POWER SYSTEM is a unique and diverse blueprint for this self-powered generator category. It is a document researched and compiled by experts, based on many innovative inventions and contains the identity of Tesla's free energy technology for AC.

The plan to build a generator using a DC motor: AC generator without fuel - Simple Energy Hack KILLS Power Bills And Generates Power On Demand

Video about testing a type of magnetic generator that uses a DC motor as the kinetic energy source to create a rotating magnetic field:

The DC motor is the element that generates the rotating magnetic field in the system.

You can see more about DC motors and free energy:



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How To Generate Electricity Using DC Motor
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